TYO is a three-letter abbreviation that may refer to:
Tokyo, Japan IATA airport code for all airports in the Tokyo metropolitan area The Tokyo Stock Exchange New art and literary website from Tokyo, Japan.
A good friend and young poet Duncan Regan and I have started a very modest publishing platform in Tokyo called TYO. The mission of the website is to digitally publish prose, poetry, visual art and interactive media by artists living in Japan. We've found there to be a very large communication gap between Japanese and foreign artist communities. The TYO gang intends to publish in English or Japanese or both English and Japanese.
Fellow writer and Osaka native, Atsuko Yonekura米倉 アツコ is working with us on the blog. Tokyoite Mari Yamazaki山崎真理 has been helping with translation and editing for the Japanese side of the site. We hope to release the first (beach themed) issue in the last week of September. Check out the first few posts on the blog at http://tyomag.com/blog. The concept is still very young. TYO hopes to improve, and to rectify whatever errors they might encounter. With any luck, like minded boys and girls in the Tokyo metro area (with a penchant for the useless and progressive) will come to us offering their unwavering assistance.
TYO can be contacted at editor@tyomag.com
The First issue of TYO will be available on 9.24.12 and can be seen here: http://tyomag.com/